# Installation

# Requirement

  1. System: CentOS / RedHat 5.4+, 32-bit or 64 bit system. CentOS 6.2 64 bit or above is recommended.
  2. Memory: minimum 30MB memory.
  3. 请使用现代浏览器访问面板(IE8+、Firefox 14+、Chrome 21+),推荐使用 Chrome。

# Installation steps

使用 SSH 连接工具,如 PuTTY、XShell、SecureCRT 等,连接到您的 Linux 服务器。


Download the installation script from GitHub (opens new window)

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inpanel/inpanel/master/install.py

Download the installation script from Gitee (opens new window)

wget https://gitee.com/inpanel/inpanel/raw/master/install.py

Perform installation

python install.py


download script and install

安装完成后请设置管理员用户名和密码,如果直接回车,则使用默认的用户名 admin 和密码 admin

设置完后,打开给定的链接地址即可访问您的 InPanel 面板。


set username and password

# Installation of development version

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inpanel/inpanel/dev/install.py
python install.py --dev

# Others

请查看 使用手册